An Open Letter To the Successful Woman Who Craves More Passion, Depth, and Joy
Perhaps you are in transition and are looking for a different way to connect to yourself and your femininity.
Perhaps you have this “perfect” life on the outside and have achieved “success” based on society’s description of it but deep down you know there is something missing.
Perhaps you want to contribute to the world and people around you in a deeper, powerful, feminine way.
Perhaps you want to be more present and authentic in your relationships with men and people around.
Perhaps you are “stuck” in a masculine way of doing everything on your own and being strong and independent all the time.
Perhaps you know there is more to life and are ready to step up and invest in your self-development.
Perhaps you are switching careers or businesses and want to make sure that this “next” stage will be aligned to what you really want.
Congratulations, your transformation has begun.
You have achieved the seeming “success” that everyone told you about but you’re tired, unhappy and don’t know who you truly are.
You’re tired of being tired and proving everything to everyone. You’re tired of being strong and independent all the time.
You’re hitting burnout and your body is starting to tell you something is wrong.
It seems like you have lost touch with yourself, your pleasure and your womanhood (perhaps you haven’t known that touch to begin with.)
You feel pressure to do everything at the same time. You are a perfectionist. You feel there is never enough time for anything — like you’re always running somewhere but never get there.
This doing everything and being constantly in a hurry is draining and leads to burnout again and again.
You seem to have achieved what you wanted in terms of success but something is still missing.
So what is that missing piece? That thing that keeps eating at your mind, cracking your heart open wanting to get through?
The Pain
Your current situation is painful because you know there is another way. You wake up daily with a sense of weight and heaviness perhaps in your chest, perhaps in your shoulders.
It is painful because you see other women living a life of freedom and joy and pleasure and you want it too. It’s painful because you don’t understand what’s wrong with you and why you’re stuck.
It’s painful because you’re tired and because the clock is ticking. It’s painful because you’re over 30 and have a few more years to create a family.
It’s painful because you know your achievements, possessions, and lifestyle are not enough anymore. You want more depth.
Feeling no depth is shallow. You don’t want shallow anymore.
You want to go inside first, and outside second. Depth, and then structure.
You feel like your pain is keeping you stuck. That inner voice is becoming louder. A pattern is emerging, knocking at your door and you can’t keep ignoring it.
You have issues with boundaries and limiting beliefs about what it means to be a woman.
Funny thing — you’re very good at hiding all of it.
Others actually wouldn’t be able to tell that anything is wrong or incomplete because you are a master at concealing what’s really going on inside. You seem happy, satisfied and successful but deep down inside things are not as bright and shiny.
But at times, when you slip and show your vulnerable side, others can sense your irritability and resentment. Others can sense the uneasiness.
What do you want?
You want to feel more relaxed, less anxious, lighter and free. You want clarity and focus, be more present, feel radiant and alive. You want a job that’s fulfilling, a business that is true to your calling.
You know there is more to your life, your body, your craft, and your relationships.
You want a deeper, richer and more sensual life. You want to finally not give a fuck about what others think and just be yourself fully, no reservations and no excuses.
You also want to know what it really means to be a woman in a female body and how to create a powerful meaningful relationship with life and the world.
You want to meet the man of your dreams and have a beautiful family that is nourishing and flourishing.
You want to have beautiful, deep female friendships that you can rely on but not cling on to. You know you’re only as powerful as the women who surround you are.
Allow yourself to want what you want because it will give you the freedom to express and be fully yourself.
No hiding, no walls. Because it is also easier that way.
Breaking free from the limitations. Being free in your own being. When flow is magnetic.
Your desired situation is your true happiness, it is freedom from inhibitions, lies, fakeness, social boundaries, societal success, dogmas, and rules.
It is a full-body YES and pleasure. It is acceptance of the world and of yourself. It is your purpose and your mission.
It is life at its fullest.
And you’re looking for guidance. For someone who’s been there and has walked this path. You don’t know how to do it on your own. You’re overwhelmed with information out there. You don’t know where to start. You don’t know what is the main issue and the root cause of it all. It’s too complicated.
It’s making you frustrated, anxious, and worried. You don’t know what is it and it’s annoying. Your inner voice is getting louder and louder each time. Things are not exciting anymore. It’s numb and dull.
You are believing The Life of Female Success: that women can and have to do it all. That the patriarchy is keeping you stuck and in the kitchen. That men got it all so much better. That you have to work like a horse to get to what you want.
That you can’t really trust and rely on men. That femininity is weakness. That power is masculine strength and independence.
Because you’ve seen it in your mothers, girlfriends, and women on social media. Because it is convenient and easier to believe it instead of taking radical personal responsibility. It’s easier to be a victim than to take your real power back.
Because it’s always been this way. Because women have reveled in victimhood for thousands years and are continuing to do so. Because if social media is full of these slogans, if celebrities and presidents are endorsing it — it must be true.
Does this sound like you?
I’ve created a free video training on what you can do today to break through the patterns of attracting feminine or unavailable men so you can attract and keep your committed masculine man. In this training, I share the 3 key proven shifts that my clients and I have implemented in our lives so we can thrive as feminine essence women in our lives and our relationships.