Dear ambitious, successful woman… stop cock-blocking yourself and making it hard to love you
Stop telling men what to do, how to do it, and why your way is the best way to do it.
Stop asking men what is their life purpose, what they want on a first date, or whether they’ve healed their childhood trauma on your first date.
Preferably, don’t ask these questions at all.
Stop trying to control the outcome by constantly wondering “WHERE IS THIS GOING?”
Stop trying to figure out your relationships with men like you were to figure out a business plan.
This is not a board meeting.
Stop hoping that your love life will eventually figure itself out. Stop disregarding yourself in this way.
Relationships don’t happen on autopilot.
Stop competing with men for titles, income levels in an effort to see whose balls are bigger.
This is not a contest.
There is no competition in love.
Stop pretending that your life is great without a man. Admit that it’s a big pain and when you fall asleep at night you feel lonely and you’re worried that your clock is ticking and you might never have what you want.
This is your first step towards transformation.
Stop putting up a facade that you can do everything on your own and you don’t need help.
Stop pushing against yourself, your cycle, and your body. Stop struggling and putting in so much effort so that he will finally see you and realize how amazing you are.
So that everyone else will be constantly reassured how incredible and amazing you are.
Stop proving your worth to everyone around and, especially, to men.
Stop telling yourself lies about the fact that all men are cheaters, pigs, and misogynists. Stop listening, watching, and talking to anyone who is reinforcing these beliefs.
Stop blaming the patriarchy, Trump, and the pay gap.
Stop looking outside for answers.
It’s time to take radical responsibility for your behavior and how you made it hard to love to yourself.
It’s time to look deep inside and excavate the layers of your limiting beliefs about men, women and relationships.
It’s time to look at all the factors and influences that have told you that women are inferior to men. That women have been the original sinners. That women are less than. That women are the root of all evil. That women are unworthy of success, love and abundance.
That in order to get love you must work hard and prove your worthiness.
It’s time to take off your mask of the “independent woman” and take certain steps to become vulnerable and open.
It’s time to crack open.
It’s time to look at your patterns and figure out why they’re happening and how are you self-sabotaging your way to attracting the right man into your life.
It’s time to let men be men. It’s time to start playing the game of dating in a powerful way with intention.
It’s time to crack open, shed the skin, and step into your feminine power. To becoming soft, expansive, and secure within your own being.
It’s time to learn how to be a woman.
This is the new feminism.
And it’s finally time to invest in yourself and put your love life first because the choice of your mate is the most important decision of your life.
Only from that powerful place of radical feminine responsibility, you can attract a committed masculine man.
Want to know how? Sign up for my signature webinar here >>>
It has the answers you’re looking for.